3Doodler to 3D Pen


Say what you said, after watching the video I only have one thing to say… Show !!! 3Doodler is the world's first and only 3D pen, with which you can simply lift the pen off the paper and watch your drawing become a real three-dimensional object. The company's phrase is clear “lift your imagination off the page *”. Developed by toy company Wobbleworks, it is the only 3D printing pen that can draw in the air.


But how does everything happen? By pressing a button on the pen, it melts and ejects a plastic filament that immediately hardens into a solid line. It is to draw as you wish, up, down, to the left, diagonally, the limit is your imagination. The material for making 3D images is the same material already used in current 3D printers.

If you think this is childish, you are wrong, there are already many companies interested in this pen but nothing better than watching the video to understand.

Everything is beautiful, but how much does this “toy” cost? I didn't believe it but it's true, it only costs 75 dollars and comes with 2 plastic refill bags. It remains for us to wait to announce when sales will begin.

Via: [kickstarter]


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