5 types of deepfakes you should know about


Deepfakes are forms of synthetic media that use artificial intelligence (AI) to manipulate reality. They can create compelling images, videos, audio, and text that resemble human-sourced content.

Deepfakes can be used for various purposes, such as entertainment, education and research. However, they can also pose serious threats to individuals and organizations, such as fraud, identity theft and disinformation.

A Power House Forensics lists the types of deepfakes, how they work and what the potential dangers of deepfake technology are.

1. Textual deepfakes

Textual deepfakes are AI-based systems that can generate human-like written content such as articles, poems and blogs. They use natural language processing (NLP) and natural language generation (NLG) techniques to analyze and produce text based on a given topic, style, or tone.

An example of textual deepfake technology is GPT-3, developed by OpenAI. GPT-3 is a text generation system that can create stories, news articles, and poems that resemble human-written text. It can also answer questions, write code, and perform various tasks based on natural language input.

Textual deepfakes can be used for creative and educational purposes, such as writing novels, essays and summaries. However, they can also be used to spread false or misleading information, such as fake news, advertising and phishing emails.

2. Deepfake Videos

Deepfake videos are perhaps the most common and well-known type of deepfakes. These are realistic videos created using AI and advanced video editing technology. They use computer vision and deep learning techniques to replace a person's face or body in a video with the likeness of another person.

An example of deepfake video technology is FaceSwap, an open source software that allows users to swap faces in videos. FaceSwap uses a neural network to learn the facial features of two people and then applies them to each other's faces in a video.

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Deepfake videos can be used for entertainment and parody purposes, such as creating impersonations of celebrities, movie scenes, and memes. However, they can also be used for malicious purposes, such as blackmail, defamation or impersonation.

3. Deepfake Images

Deepfake images are another widespread form of deepfakes. They are easily accessible online and almost anyone with basic knowledge can create them. They use image editing software or in-line tools to superimpose faces or bodies onto different images, creating convincingly realistic images.

An example of deepfake imaging technology is FaceApp, a popular mobile application that allows users to morph their faces in various ways. FaceApp uses neural networks to apply filters such as aging, gender change, hair change and smiles to users' faces.

Deepfake images can be used for fun and personalization purposes, such as changing a person's appearance or creating avatars. However, they can also be used for harmful purposes, such as creating false identities or compromising someone's privacy.

4. Deepfake audio

Deepfake audio is another type of deepfake that uses AI to synthesize realistic human speech or sound. It uses speech synthesis and recognition techniques to convert text or speech into audio output that imitates a person's voice or accent.

An example of deepfake audio technology is Lyrebird AI, a startup that allows users to create their own digital voice based on a few minutes of recording. Lyrebird AI uses deep neural networks to learn the characteristics of a person's voice and then generate new speech based on that voice.

Deepfake audio can be used for communication and accessibility purposes, such as translating languages ​​or creating audiobooks. However, it can also be used for deception and manipulation purposes, such as making fake phone calls or voice messages.

5. Deepfakes in law

Live deepfakes are the most advanced and challenging type of deepfakes. These are forms of synthetic media that use AI to manipulate reality in real time. They use streaming technology and generative adversarial networks (GAN) to create live images, videos, audio or text that respond to user input or environmental changes.

An example of live deepfake technology is Neuralink, a brain-computer interface company founded by Elon Musk. Neuralink aims to develop implantable devices that can connect the human brain to computers and allow direct communication between them.

Live deepfakes can be used for immersive and interactive purposes, such as games, virtual reality and augmented reality. However, they can also be used for dangerous purposes, such as controlling someone's actions or thoughts.


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