Most digital platforms of ministries in Angola are outdated


Most of the digital platforms of Angolan government ministries are out of date. Between the 29 digital platforms Ministries, just over half regularly update their websites. This was the result made by the News.

Electronic Governance, which aims to modernize public administration, and increase its efficiency, has not gone out of the way. Besides information, they do not offer any service. Only 13's ministries' digital platforms are up-to-date on a total of 29 sites that try to ensure the existence of an electronic governance system by the state.

Ministries should focus more on updating their digital portals, as the number of Internet users in the country has grown steadily today. And with the advancement of technology, various serializations can be solved through the various tools that ICTs offer.

The largest of the Government's portals, all of them managed by communication offices, presents on its web pages reports and legislation already outdated, with, for example, the Ministry of Public Administration, Labor and Social Security (MAPTSS) special publication "the list of holidays of 11 years ago.

The most outdated group is led by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry - the site is active, but does not contain any information - followed by MAPTSS, the Ministries of Interior and Construction and Public Works, where the latest updates refer to 2015, 2016 and 2017, respectively.

Already in the scenario of greater performance and efficiency of e-Governance services of the ministries, Finance is the only one that regularly maintains a periodicity of publication and an updated database.

Therefore, the country's ministries need to reflect on how technology has helped people interact with different services.


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