Activate your new Gmail inbox



Forget the confusion that is the mailboxes with notifications of Social Networks, personal emails, Promotions, etc., that often make it impossible to find the emails that are really important.

A Google has launched its new Mailbox, where the user can have more control over everything that happens in your e-mail. With a flap system that separates emails by categories (up to 5), messages are organized by a smart filter by the tabs. Home, Promotions, Social Media, Updates and Forums are the 5 possible categories.


We get many different types of emails: friends messages, social network notifications, promotions and offers, confirmations and receipts, and more. All of these emails can compete for our attention and make it difficult to focus on the things that need to be done. Sometimes it seems like our input boxes are controlling us, rather than the contrary, "Google.

Novelty is slowly being released to users, both Desktop and Mobile app (Android e iOS). Google also gives the possibility to those who do not like the novelty to simply disable it and there is still the option to return the email box “Classical".

New Gmail Inbox (Google image)
New Gmail Inbox (Image - Google)

To test the novelty, just click on settings (on the gearwheel on the upper right side) and check if there is an option to configure the inbox. If you already have the option, just choose the desired categories, configure them and be happy test the new Google mailbox ...


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