Goodbye iPhone 5C? Apple decides to cut production of its low-cost Smartphone



A few weeks ago the world stopped to see another of Apple's creations, the new member of the iPhone family, the accessible 5C. The purpose of the 5C iPhone seemed quite clear: compete with the medium-cost Android smartphones.

The big problem with Apple's strategy was exactly the cost. That is, the Smartphone should be low cost, but in the end it turned out not to be that cheap. According to rumors, Apple has already announced to iPhone 5c component suppliers that will reduce smartphone orders for the last three months of the year.

This attitude by Apple is due to the drastic reduction in purchase orders for the iPhone 5C, which never convinced as much as its “dear brother”, the iPhone 5s, which is faster, with more features and a better finish.

Competitors should be celebrating, less an Apple weapon in this titanic battle.

Curiously, I've seen some iPhones 5s circulating around the city of Luanda, but as for the 5C… none. We have to admit, “game over”For the iPhone 5C.

[Via]: Apple Insider


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