Teens from the Kandengue Scientist project develop system that allows self-stove stove


Two teenagers, graduates in Analog and Digital Electronics at the KANDENGUE CIENTISTA academy, developed an application that allows an auto stove to turn off as soon as the food is ready.

Its about Joana Pereira, of 12 years of age and  Uriane Esmeralda 13 years old, both have been students of the same KANDENGUE SCIENTIST institution for 11 months, with the help of Pedro Paris trainer and CEO of the academy, they managed to develop the project virtual kitchen and real food, it aims to maintain direct interaction, between the kitchen and the user through an application or even through the bluetooth device, which during the kitchen activities, allows the user to calculate the time limit of the stove's flame

The same application allows the cooker to be switched on and off through a mobile phone, it also gives the user the possibility of detecting the level of the boiling water so that there is no waste of water as much as the electric current after the food is cooked.

During the interview with MenosFios, Uriane Esmeralda and Joana Pereirastressed that giving up is not part of their plans to come, but they have ambition and willpower to be future female engineers in Mechatronics.

This was one of the projects presented by the Kandengue AngoTIC 2019.


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