South Africa leads the ranking of download speed in Africa


South Africa leads the African ranking with regard to download speeds, that is, according to the mobile analytics company Opensignal in your report State of Mobile Network Experience, published last month.

Opensignal collects more than three billion individual measurements daily from tens of millions of smartphones worldwide. However, when measuring how the first mobile markets in Africa compare, Opensignal compared 10 countries of the continent: South Africa, Tunisia, Morocco, Kenya, Ivory Coast, Egypt, Algeria, Ghana, Senegal and Nigeria.

“South Africa led our Africa Speed ​​Experience chart with a very impressive 15Mbps score, while Tunisia, Morocco and Kenya managed average speeds of more than 10Mbps,” says Peter Boyland, senior analyst at Opensignal.

SA leads the download speed chart of Africa

Earlier this year the mobile analytics company noted that South Africa is one of the most consistent countries in the world when comparing the difference between the faster and slower 4G download speeds that mobile device users experience throughout the day .

As for the availability analysis of the 4G network, Opensignal shows that Kenya, Morocco and South Africa are also in the top four - but the winner was Senegal with a score of 77,2% - surpassing some markets much more advanced in the world rankings, says the company.

SA leads the download speed chart of Africa

The recent report ranked 87 countries, including Canada (42,5 Mbps), Denmark (34,2 Mbps), Netherlands (42,4 Mbps), Norway (48,2 Mbps), Singapore (39,3 Mbps) and South Korea (52,4 Mbps) - at the top of the world ranking.

Angola's data are not included in the Open Signal report.


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