Now you can save text and videos in Google Chrome


O Google Chrome has released an update that allows users to download web pages. This way, it will make music, videos or photos to be viewed in the application even without internet.

From Chrome, a new section within the app will begin to display downloads from sites made. In addition, it will also be possible to share the downloaded content with other users. But that will only be for smartphone users with an operating system Android.

This way you can download sites in Chrome when connected to a Wi-Fi network, and access them later without using your 4G or 3G internet data. Google did not say when the update will reach iOS users.

To download any news on Google Chrome, just perform the following steps:

  • Open the site or news you want to save in Google Chrome and click on the ellipsis option, which will appear at the top of your browser.
  • At the top of the menu, there will be an arrow down. Touch it to download the site content.
  • The application will start downloading and then tell you when it is ready.
  • When you want to access the page offline, simply click on the ellipsis and select the Downloads option.

The Google Chrome update brought other improvements, such as spelling errors in texts on the web, and the other one optimizes the contextual search interface.

To use the new functions of Google Chrome, on Android it will be necessary for the user to update their application to version 55.0.2883.84.


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