Apple alert: avoid putting a wet iPhone in rice

Company published new guidelines on what to do in case of water accidents, and they do not include rice


Mlooked at your iPhone and don't know what to do? Contrary to several suggestions that indicate that placing it in a container with rice could be a good solution due to its absorption capacity, Apple recommends that you do not do so.

“Don’t put your iPhone in a bag of rice. Doing so may allow small particles of rice to damage your iPhone.”, reads an Apple guide on how to act when your phone gets wet.

The brand also recommends that “do not dry the iPhone using an external heat source or compressed air” and “do not insert a foreign object, such as a cotton swab or paper towel, into the connector”.

Instead, if you get a “liquid detected” alert when you try to charge your phone, you should unplug the charging cable at both ends and then tap the iPhone “gently against your hand with the connector facing down to remove the excess.” of liquid”.

“After at least 30 minutes, try charging with a Lightning or USB-C cable or connecting an accessory”, said Apple, adding that “if the alert appears again, it is because there is still liquid in the connector or under the cable pins ”.

In this case, you should leave the cell phone in a “dry area with some air flow for a day”. If your iPhone has dried but is still not charging, unplug the adapter cable and unplug the adapter from the wall outlet (if possible) and plug them back in.


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