Angola Cables launches Cloud services platform


A Angolan telecommunications multinational, Angola Cables recently launched the cloud service using its global infrastructure, providing the Angolan market with the opportunity for companies to reduce hardware investment costs, benefiting from a highly innovative and robust service, available 24/7 , with the great ease of scalability on demand, as well as low installation time.

With the use of data centers, AngoNap Luanda and AngoNap Fortaleza, together with submarine cables WACS, BAGS and the Many, the Angolan telecommunications multinational has made available to the AC Cloud, a service that locally satisfies a real need of companies operating in the country, which previously had to acquire it abroad, paying in foreign currency and without the guarantee of an 24 face-to-face service during the seven days of the week.

Second Antonio Nunes (CEO of Angola Cables), this service works very much in the logic of infrastructure sharing, without, however, companies having access to information from one another, generating significant gains in scale and efficiency for companies.

O AC Cloud  is a very innovative computing service that provides infrastructure as a service solution (IAAS - Infrastructure as a service), where the operations and information produced can be accessed from any device connected to the Internet. These cloud solutions are capable of supporting the most varied applications of the economic agents, providing greater agility, flexibility and security.

Users of the AC Cloud will have the advantage of being directly connected to the main centers of international connectivity, namely South and North America and Europe.


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