[Angola] Today begins the “Imagine Cup 2013 final local Angola”


The contest "Imagine Cup 2013 final local Angola" will be held today, which will determine the candidates for the world competition that will take place in St. Petersburg, Russia, between 8 and 11 in July according to we announce here.

Conducted by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MINCT) and Microsoft, this phase aims to select students in Higher Education and General Education in computer science, who have ideas to develop programs and projects for the cyber industry. From this local competition will be the best Angolan team that will represent Angola in the world competition "Imagine Cup 2013". According to the MINCT press release this edition of the "Imagine Cup" is based on three pillars: World Citizenship, Games and Innovation.

- A category of world citizenship will reward the application of software developed in Microsoft platform, which, with greater potential, can generate positive impact on humanity.

- A games category will be based on attractions and entertainments for teens and youngsters, built on Microsoft platforms (Windows 8, Windows Phone, Kinect for Windows Software Development Kit and Xbox Games).

- Finally, the category of innovation will choose applications that make it possible to innovate in the hands of the consumer, in social networks, shopping or online searches.

The universities Agostinho Neto, Methodist of Angola, Jean Piaget of Angola and Belas are the range of institutions of higher education that have registered their projects to participate in the 1ª edition of the contest "Imagine Cup 2013 final local Angola".

Source: [Jornal de Angola]


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