Angola has the first digital magazine in the engineering sector


With each passing day, the world adapts itself in the need to move from physical to digital, it is in this aspect that the Disruption Engineering Magazine was launched last Friday by a group of Angolans members of the academic community in a 2-hour meeting held through the Zoom platform and broadcast on Facebook through the Magazine page.

The magazine's presentation was made by the Executive Director of the same Jailson Coluna, who highlighted the main objectives of the magazine and made a presentation to the team members. The meeting was preceded by a debate on the “Importance of multimedia materials for academic and professional growth”. The debate was moderated by Armando Mualumene and counted on the intervention of our guests: Evaristo Dala Biology trainer, Marco Paulo student of Geology and Kiesse Canito coordinator of Africa Tech21.

A Disruption Engineering Magazine which is a periodic magazine, was created with the aim of contributing to the sustainable development of the country through science and in particular through engineering, generating traffic of information and updates within the universe of local engineering and contributing to the promotion of education community.

A Disruption Engineering Magazine, was born from a reflection made around Engineering in Angola; was conceived due to the lack of subsidies in this segment. The magazine will have its editions published periodically, and in this first edition (August 2020) the main theme was “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”.

If you want to have access to the first edition, just access the link. The magazine is 100% free and can be found at the following address: Revolution/.


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