Angola present in the training program Production for Digital Transmission


National specialists represented Angola in the course on Production of Programs for Digital Transmission, called "Production of Programs for Digital Transmission", organized by JICA, in partnership with NHK (Nippon Hōsō Kyōkai), a public broadcaster owned by the Japanese government.

The training cycle lasted six days, starting on the 18th and ending on the 28th of January, and had 16 participants from eight countries, namely: Angola (4), Nigeria (1), Malawi (2 ), Zambia (1), Somalia (1), Mauritania (2), Kosovo (1) and Sri Lanka (4), in the online modality.

BUT: Angosat-2: Construction of the antenna for the In-Orbit Tests completed

According to what was revealed, this training comes in the compendium of the Japan International Cooperation Agency with the aim of helping economic and social growth in developing countries and promoting international cooperation, in terms of training and research, thus contributing to the construction of of global development strategies that strengthen collaboration with international institutions.



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