Angolan portals invaded by alleged Portuguese hackers!


AngolaVsPortugal Hacking

Diplomatic relations between Angola and Portugal they are not in their best days. But until then, it would only be politics, a matter outside our agenda. But yesterday that tension extended to the internet, when several Angolan portals were invaded, supposedly by Portuguese hackers.

Among the victims, the website of the Jornal de Angola, one of the most visited sites in the country. The site of Angolan embassy in Portugal was not left out. So if you browse these sites and notice something strange, do not accept permissions from applications you do not know, the attack may not have finished yet.

It remains to be seen what security measures Angola will take to protect the official sites, since they are the image of the country on the internet ... Apparently the site administrators will spend sleepless nights. The official Portuguese television, made a report on the subject, follow the link.

[Source]: RTP


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