AngoSat-1 can be replaced at zero cost if there are errors


To calmly avoid misinformation about the first Angolan satellite, José Carvalho da Rocha (Minister of Telecommunications) recently AngoSat-1 still in orbit.

But unfortunately it is not what many national and international media have reported. But, in addition, some people ask themselves the following:

If Angosat-1 really has problems, will Angola have to pay to build a new satellite?

According to information advanced by the Russian newspaper “Kommersant“, One of the clauses in the deal signed by the Angolan party and the construction consortium, gives the Angolan party the possibility to demand the replacement with a new device without any additional charge.

According to the agreement, AngoSat-1 is covered by insurance of 121 million USD, an amount assumed in equal parts by the companies SOGAZ and VTB, which is an amount sufficient to guarantee a new construction in case of failures detected in the device.

Although the value of insurance is half of the amount paid for the construction of Angosat-1, the money will be enough to guarantee AngoSat-2 according to Russian press calculations.

Will we have AngoSat-2 earlier than expected?



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