Apple launches 2TB storage plan on iCloud




Surely many users of Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), have already faced the problem of “Full storage“, Thus making it impossible for the user to download applications, add images, music, as well as other resources that can be stored on the devices.

To get around the situation again, the company decided to put more storage in the iCloud at an affordable price, a new level offering 2 TB of space that will cost 20 USD per month (equivalent to 3300 Kz at the Banco Nacional de Angola Exchange). The company updated its iCloud price list, this happened just a few days before the company is preparing for its official event that will take place on September 07, 2016.

But for those who do not need so much capacity, they can continue to pay their normal 50 GB plans that cost 1 USD per month (equivalent to 167 Kz in the Exchange of the National Bank of Angola).

If you'd like to buy more storage for your Apple device, just go to ICloud menu nose Settings your device and click on “buy more storage space".

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