Apple will eliminate outdated applications in the App Store


apple-app-store-1200x600Apple said through a statement sent to developers that they will delete outdated applications in the App Store.

Apple will begin cleaning soon, from its App Store application store all applications that no longer have any function, as well as all applications that do not follow revaluation guidelines.

The company that is one of the most important in the market, has made many changes not only in its devices but with the existing applications in the App Store and, it is with this reassessment that Apple will once again awaken the application developers and keep their customers more and more with recent applications and properly updated to the market. Apple also informs that it will limit the name of applications on the App Store to a maximum of 50 characters.

According to Apple information, developers will be notified of apps that are at risk of being deleted and will have 30 days to upgrade.

End users may continue to use the applications. New users will no longer have access to applications.


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