Learn to have your favorite music as iPhone ringtone


Touch iPhone Anselmo
We all like that new special beat or melody as our phone rings, but the truth is that on the iPhone we can not say it is a quick or intuitive task. We can not simply choose a song from our library as a ringtone. That's why we've prepared this tutorial for you to put your favorite music as a ringtone on your iPhone, whether it's "Be-bê-bela" by Detroia or "O Uí" by Dji Tafinha with Anselmo.

First of all, it should be noted that in most operators the maximum time a phone rings until it automatically turns off or the voice mailbox is 30 seconds. That's why it's not even worth trying to make a touch of time over that, just steal storage space on your phone and nothing else.

As a general rule, ringtones are files in .m4r format. If you have a music file with this extension then just add the ringtone to your iTunes library, sync your iPhone and automatically the ringtone is transferred to it. But we want to show you how you can do this with some music you have in your iTunes library regardless of your operating system.

Firstly you have to choose what song you want to choose as a ringtone, in this case we will use "Uí itself". Right-click the song and select the "Information" option.

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In the window that opens select the tab "Options" and in this window you should select the time interval between the "beginning" and "end" of the ring, always keeping in mind the maximum of the 30 seconds. Then click "OK".

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After that, select the song again and again right-clicking on it select the "Create AAC version" option.

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ITunes will create a new version of the song exactly at the time you chose (30 seconds) while keeping your original song intact.

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When you have both versions, right-click the new version and select the "Show in Finder" option or if you are using Windows "Show in Windows Explorer". After that the folder where the file is will open. With the Finder / Windows Explorer window open go back to iTunes and delete the new song from 30 seconds from the list, but choose the "Keep file" option to disappear only from iTunes but continue in your folders.

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Go back to the Finder / Windows Explorer window and in the new created file, which is the one with the .m4a extension, change the extension to .m4r.

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After that double click on the new file with the .m4r extension and it will be added to iTunes on the "Ringtones" tab. Next, select your iPhone in iTunes and go to the "Ringtones" tab and select the "Sync ringtones" option.

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From then on, just sync your iPhone and all ringtones will appear in your iPhone's ringtones menu (Settings -> Sounds -> Ringtone)

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Have you encountered difficulties? Please tell us something in our comments area below so we can help you.

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  1. I got it, thank you. But in the current version of iTunes ( the option to create AAC version is in the upper left bar under file> convert> Create AAC version.

  2. I managed to change the extension but I can't send it on iTunes and then on the iPhone


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