Learn to choose a Memory Card



Unfortunately the choice of a good memory card can still be a problem these days, since many users choose only the capacity, without realizing that there are still other facts that should culminate in the choice of the same.

The main factor for users in this choice is only two, Capacity and Price, but we advise users not to stick to just the

that. Let's cite some features to keep in mind when buying a memory card for your smartphone, digital camera, and other devices that can hold a memory card:

  1. Classes: During the purchase the user must pay attention to the class in which the memory card in question belongs, the cards are standardized in classes 2, 4, 6 or 10. This number specifies the minimum data transfer speed that the device offers; therefore, a class 2 card guarantees at least 2MB / s speed; a class 4 card guarantees 4MB / s, and so on.
  2. Some cards also have a special bus called UHS, acronym that means "Ultra High Speed ​​". They can be:
  • UHS I (ensuring a data transfer rate of at least 10MB / s);
  • UHS III (guaranteeing 30MB / s);

Here are some features that may help you buy a memory card:



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