Association creates web platform to tell African presence in Portugal


The Batoto Yetu Portugal Association created a web platform to make available a digital collection of the African presence in this European country, following the work of sharing African culture, arts and history with young Portuguese people of African origin.

Called “African Digital Memory” ( the collection will make it possible to collect information about the past and present of black Portuguese people scattered around the world and about human migrations of African peoples to the Iberian region, up to the present day.

"This platform will make it possible to concentrate information, books, academic works, videos, or other personal testimonies on topics that are already public, but are dispersed, or not being public, making them more accessible to schools, academia and the general public.”, can be read on the platform.

The project will also make it possible to raise awareness of the presence and influence of the various African peoples in Portuguese or Lusophone culture.

"This can thus serve for academic studies, artistic pieces, historical accompaniment, awareness of the scientific, artistic, human and social importance of African cultures today."He said.

Finally, Associação Batoto Yetu Portugal points out that part of this information supports the guided tours and walks through spaces of memory of the African presence in Portugal.

"The platform comes to highlight relevant historical moments that can be celebrated, and readapted in other formats that are useful to all of society today.”, they point out.

It should also be informed that the platform will be updated over time, so the association requests everyone's support in indicating information, other similar platforms, or people with testimonials that may be relevant to add.


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