Cyber ​​attack on ENDE? Company stops pre- and post-paid energy sales again


An anomaly in the computer system of the National Electricity Distribution Company (ENDE) interrupted Prepaid energy sales in face-to-face and non-face-to-face channels throughout the national territory.

According to ENDE's official statement, which the MenosFios editorial team had access to, there are still no concrete dates for the reestablishment of normal operation of energy sales, but it highlighted that a team is already working to overcome the situation.

Please note that the last time this company had this situation was due to a cyber attack claimed by BlackCat Ransomware Group via Twitter.

BlackCat Ransomware Group: A New Ransom Gang Is On The Loose

OBlackCat uses similar encryption techniques to other ransomware types, but also adds some additional security measures to make it difficult to decrypt files if they are encrypted. This includes using two different encryption algorithms and ensuring that the decryption key is never stored on the same drive as the encrypted files.

BlackCat's creators appear to target companies and organizations rather than individuals, which makes sense since these types of organizations tend to be more willing to pay the ransom than individuals would be.

BlackCat is a group of cybercriminals that targets companies to steal their intellectual property and personal information. It is known for targeting businesses in the construction and engineering, retail, transport, commercial services, insurance, etc. sectors.


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