Bantumakers announces Angolan platform for collaborative financing

  • Do you have a project and need financing? How about looking for more 1000 people who would like to participate in the project and thus raise money to advance as the same?
  • Want to release an album and have no sponsorship? How about the album being financed by your fans, who automatically win a “free” album?
  • Want to support the victories of the floods in a province of Angola, without leaving home and with two clicks deposit money into a reliable account?

Some examples of “crowdfunding” (collective fund-raising or collective financing, free translation). There are some platforms worldwide that offer answers, and the Kickstarter one of the best known. But in Angola, do we have a similar online service?

Well, now! The Bantumakers team is preparing the “Deya”That will allow the collective financing of projects in Angola. The date for the official launch has not yet been revealed, but it is now possible to sign up to receive notification as soon as the page is live.


More details can be found in official project page.



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