Bill Gates introduces innovative toilet that does not need water


The founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates presented last Tuesday, 6 of November in Beijing, China, a toilet that does not need water or connection to sanitation systems, turns the waste into fertilizer, which could reduce child mortality in the poorest countries.

The North American philanthropist showed the new model to the public at an exhibition dedicated to new sanitary solutions, which aims to “reinvent toilets” and accelerate the adoption and commercialization of innovative systems.

The foundation of Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda Gates, has spent $ 200 million since 2011 to promote research and the development of safe health technology. According to Unicef, almost 900 million people have no choice but to do their outdoor needs. In India alone, it is estimated that there are 150 million.

“This exhibition presents, for the first time, decentralized and totally new technology and sanitation products, ready to be commercialized”. This new model is being tested in the South African city of Durban, where other models, which feed on solar energy, are also being tested, explained Gates.

The multi-billionaire explained that the rapid expansion of these new sanitation products and systems that do not need to be connected to any network could dramatically reduce the number of deaths and the impact of poor hygiene on the health of the population in the poorest countries.

World Bank President Jim Yong Kim stressed that sanitation is one of the priorities for his organization, which will partner with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to bring safe sanitation facilities to all parts of the world.


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