Bluetooth will have faster speed and better reach in 2016



At the moment there has been a slow slowness in sending files by technology Bluetooth, that users are already starting to choose to install other applications as CShare and the others that exist in the market.

According to Bluetooth SIG (the company responsible for the technology), in 2016 the system will achieve a 100% speed increase over the current file transfer speed and the power consumption will not increase when users are using Bluetooth.

Currently maximum range in file transfer via Bluetooth is 100m and the maximum speed is 24 Mbit / s depending on the class.

Another important detail is that efforts continue to be made for the technology to support mesh networks, which will allow it to be able to establish connections with multiple devices simultaneously. Companies that work with automation should be anxiously waiting, since bluetooth is a very reliable technology, should the reach become larger, it will certainly be used preferentially.


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