BMW to introduce car parking alone on 2015



Parking the car can be an easy task for some, but a nightmare for others. But that is about to change due to a new BMW feature: letting the car park on its own. Of course, there are already other cars with the same type of system, automatic parking, but BMW has introduced some changes.

The new system, which is already in action in the test version of BMW i3 electric, and combines information from laser sensors with digital parking plans. The sensors allow the car to recognize the structure of the car park and avoid any obstacles that appear unexpectedly. A BMW innovation is to make the car lock itself as soon as it is parked, allowing the user to leave the room even before the procedure is completed ( I do not know if anyone will risk).

In addition to parking, the car can also leave the parking lot and go to where we are. Function shown in the picture, with a click on the smart watch the car will exit the garage and will come to the entrance of the building / residence.

The system is called Remote Valet Parking Assistant and can be controlled from a smartwatch. According to information, BMW will give a presentation of this system in January in CES (Consumer Electronics Show 2015).

The forecast for the arrival of this car is for the year 2020. The future awaits us.



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