Cape Green. Movement on the interbank network rises to more than 101 million


Operations on the interbank network in Cape Verde exceeded 101 million euros last April, completing 14 months of consecutive increases, maintaining the recovery of historical lows due to the covid-19 pandemic.

According to official data released by the statistical report of the Banco de Cabo Verde (BCV), which controls the payment system in the country, the Cape Verdean interbank network, called vinti4 and which involves, in particular, automatic teller machines (CA/ATM) and payment terminals (TPA/POS), registered 3.483.390 operations in April 2022, which moved more than 11.216 million escudos.

These numbers represent an increase of 19,5% in quantity and 38,7% in value compared to April 2021, when the country still had strong restrictions due to the covid-19 pandemic.

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The interbank network had already grown by 11,3% in quantity and 0,1% in value in March 2021, compared to 2020, the first year-on-year increase since the beginning of the pandemic and which was repeated every month until last month, completing 14 consecutive months of growth.

The BCV report shows that the vinti4 network registered 693.721 withdrawals at ATMs in April, worth almost 4.182 million escudos, 40.584 mobile top-ups, of 25,6 million escudos), and 22.869 transfers, totaling 772,6 million escudos shields, among other operations.

Customers of the Cape Verde interbank network also made 2.006.083 purchases through TPA and 'online', of almost 6.065 million escudos in the entire month of April.


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