CAPSTONE: So even NASA loses communication with a satellite?


In 2017 Angola saw a dream being denied, when contact was lost after the launch of what would be the first Angolan satellite called “AngoSat🇧🇷 At the time, the loss of communication with the Angolan satellite was seen as something “Without explanation”, but with the passage of time it is possible to notice that “It is something that happens”, and now we have an example from NASA.

After successfully escaping Earth's orbit and making its way towards the Moon, the small satellite named CAPSTONE (Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment), from NASA, lost communication with mission controllers on the ground. NASA lost contact with CAPSTONE, a small satellite that left Earth's orbit on July 4th. CAPSTONE is a cubesat that weighs just 55 pounds, and is headed to the Moon as part of NASA's plan to bring humans back to the lunar surface for the first time in over 50 years.

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The small satellite stopped communicating with engineers on the 4th of July shortly after it deployed from an Electron rocket shuttle and left Earth's orbit. A NASA spokesperson told the that the team has solid trajectory information for CAPSTONE and controllers are trying to re-establish contact with the cubesat.

O CAPSTONE Spent Six Days Increasing Speed ​​Into Orbit On A Rocket Rocket Lab Electron and finally deployed on a path to the Moon. The plan is for CAPSTONE to enter a near-rectilinear orbit around the Moon on November 13, 2022, serving as a testbed for NASA's Artemis mission. NASA🇧🇷 With Artemis, NASA plans to install a space station called Lunar Gateway in orbit around the Moon, which will serve as a permanent floating base for lunar visitors, complete with living quarters and a laboratory.



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