Time to go back to driving school, Google car (no driver) leads better than us!

Google car without pilot
This machine will still make us obsolete ...

Do not take this seriously apocalyptic title, involving robots, almost reminiscent of the legendary Isaac Asimov. Now you can stay tuned:

In several countries, Google have circulated around cities to take photos that are later used in the Street View service, unfortunately we do not have this service for Angola yet. At first the cars were controlled by humans, over time it was giving (almost) total control to the machines.

It seemed like a dangerous option, to let an unmanned vehicle circulate through the city streets, most of which were very busy. Statistics show that it was the best option, robots are more coordinated than us.

According to the tests, unmanned vehicles were able to 482.803 km without a single accident, while the average for cars with people at the wheel is 265.5418 km. There is no comparison!

The used cars are the Toyota Prius equipped with a set of cameras, radar sensors and range lasers to analyze the position of other vehicles; the software used for route guidance, of course, is - guess what, guess - yes, the Google Maps. Two human drivers are always in the cars, ready to take over in case of breakdown, Google has already announced that they will "use" only a human (safety issues)

We have to admit, it's a great feat from Google and we need to drive better, or in years we will be replaced by robots.

[Source]: Mashable


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