Cazenga has 10 free Internet access points


According to INFOSI (National Institute for the Promotion of the Information Society of the Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technologies), the municipality of Cazenga, in Luanda, should count twenty-five free Internet points, some of these points are already installed in the Cazenga Historical Landmark, and the newest one now appears in the newly opened school called Angola and Cuba.

There are already a total of 10 free broadband Internet access points through the network Wi-Fi have been installed, until the present date, in the municipality of Cazenga, in Luanda, by the Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technologies, aiming to extend this digital tool to the population, within the scope of the “Angola Online” project.

As mentioned above, it was created in February, at Angola and Cuba school, the newest access point in Cazenga, where it has a computer room with 41 computers and a digital library with six computer devices, making a total of 47 computers equipped and with free internet access.

The information was provided by the deputy general director for the technical area of ​​the National Institute for the Promotion of the Information Society of the Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technologies, Marcos Damião, who said that the media have allowed greater technological inclusion of students.

Why are some points not working regularly?

Marcos Damião answered this question by guaranteeing that some of the points of access to the free Internet of the “Angola Online” project, installed in parks and public establishments (schools), do not work regularly because some managers do not provide electricity and make the maintenance on a regular basis, but in general it has served residents.



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