Cegid Primavera will focus on solutions to accelerate the digitization of Angolan business


Cegid Primavera will focus on solutions aimed at accelerating the digitization of the Angolan business fabric, especially in the industrial sector, according to Santiago Solanas, CEO of the company for the Iberian region, Latin America & Lusophone Africa.

The manager who was speaking at the conference called "The future of the digitization of Industry in Angola", in the context of the ExpoIndústria event, which is taking place at the Congress Center of the Special Economic Zone (ZEE), in Luanda, informed that digitization is a inevitable reality and the future of Angola's industry is digital. Therefore, Cegid Primavera argues that the digitization of the industry can help reduce costs, improve operational efficiency, increase product quality and create business opportunities.

It was revealed that Cegid Primavera provides a wide range of technological solutions for the Portuguese-speaking African market, with emphasis on billing management, accounting and enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, with strong use by professionals in the sectors of Industry, Mining, Production, Transport, Logistics and Construction.

"Cegid Primavera's business management solutions are designed to meet the specific needs of each company. Our production management solution, for example, adds a set of good practices that allow companies to be more competitive, better assess their costs and, above all, introduce more flexibility to their production process. We don't just provide software, but good practices in the different areas of verticals, particularly in Industry”, said the person in charge.

Santiago Solanas stressed that technology has evolved very quickly in recent years and companies that do not adapt to this change may be left behind, which is why digitalization in companies is a reality. The acceleration of the digital transformation process has shown that the development of technology is the basic condition for companies to remain competitive. To ensure business survival, organizations are forced to migrate to digital.

Companies that do not digitize their internal processes, in addition to not being able to manage the amount of information, run the risk of exposing sensitive data or losing them in archives.

"Our objective as a company is to promote the development of our customers, Angolan companies, and accompany them on their digital path. We see Angola as a country of opportunities and we want to contribute to the growth of our entire ecosystem in the country: customers, partners, employees, etc. Digitization is changing the way industry in Angola operates, and companies that adopt technology to manage their processes are preparing for the future, becoming more competitive in the global market”, concluded the CEO.

It should be noted that Expo-Indústria is held annually by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. and where this year's edition has the theme “It's Possible to Walk Together”.


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