Solar cells in the screens of mobile phones. Load problems are over!


Solar1The problems are not over yet, but if this idea is taken forward, they will surely end.

This project is being conducted by Arman Ahnood, researcher at London Nanotechnology Center and the goal, according to it, is quite simple: to have mobiles that require less recharges. To complement, he said that soon we will have mobile phones that can last up to a week without recharge and who knows in a while, they will not need any recharge.

The technique used is to insert small "painéis solares"On the screens of mobile phones. To be more specific, we will have a thin film of hydrogenated amorphous silicon that is designed to stay inside the phone.

A photovoltaic cell takes advantage of the fact that almost all smartphones have screens of absurd dimensions (see the Galaxy SIII and the Galaxy Note). In a display with OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode) technology, only about 36 per cent of the generated light is projected out the front of the display, meaning that the remaining part of that light is lost. Solution: put solar panels on the edges of the display and reuse this light.

But this technology has its problems:

  • Voltage fluctuations due to the use of solar cells could damage the battery. Solved problem with a transistor-based circuit to control voltage and charge the battery more efficiently.
  • Another problem would be to charge the battery directly, since we would have the traditional source (electricity) and the other source, photovoltaic. Simple, instead of directly loading, we used a "supercapacitor"To store the load and only then move to the battery ...

Further details of this technology can be seen, in short, this article.

[Source]: New Horizons


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