Scientists have discovered the method to extend battery life



It is known that the batteries we have in SmartPhones, Tablets, and modern computers have a useful life, and usually they depend a lot on the multiple recharge cycles that users are giving them. But it seems that scientists have discovered by accident a way to extend this useful life.

Scientists have discovered by accident a method that can extend the life of a battery for several years. According to studies by University of California, after more than 200 thousand charge cycles, an experimental battery created by the university using only nanowires gold and gel electroconductor instead of lithium, had a loss of only 5% of load in capacity, which does not happen with the current batteries.

The experimental battery created by the scientists lasted more than three months between several recharge cycles and no sign of damage was detected in that period. The biggest hurdle in developing batteries of this type is the high cost of gold wires.

An untested suggestion is to replace gold with nickel that would likely give satisfactory results. So while scientists were testing different materials, they figured out how to prevent this corrosion. According to them, just coating the nanowires with carbon dioxide manganese and exchange the lithium for electroconductive gel. Together, the gel and the dioxide they fuse and form a kind of “protective case” around the nanowires, preventing corrosion.

It remains to be seen when this method could be used commercially ...


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