CINFOTEC in Huambo expected to open in October 2023


O Integrated Center for Technological Training (CINFOTEC) in the province of Huambo, currently with 95% of physical execution, could be inaugurated as early as next October, according to the director general of the institution, Manuel Bole.

Speaking at the end of a visit to the development in construction since February 2021, the official stressed that the infrastructure is being built in an area of ​​6.531,17 square meters, within the framework of bilateral cooperation between Angola and the Republic of China, it is the second in the country, after Luanda, with an investment of over 30 million of US dollars.

Belonging to the Ministry of Public Administration, Work and Social Security (MAPTSS), the center will have a capacity for 710 trainees, per shift, in courses in Information and Communication Technology (ICTs), Electricity and Electricity, Metrology, Mechanics and Production.

BUT: CINFOTEC has already formed about 13 thousand citizens

From a technical point of view, he said that nine CINFOTEC trainers are in the infrastructure receiving specialized training from the Chinese, in a process that will end with their travel, at the end of this month, abroad, for a period of 15 days, to better give a formative response to the centre.

According to what was revealed to the journalists present at the site, the budget above also includes the training of future teachers at the national technological institution.

It should also be noted that CINFOTEC-Huambo will have six classrooms, 28 laboratories and six workshops, which will teach theoretical and practical subjects from professional courses in mechanics and production, information technology, meteorology, electro-medicine, electricity and mechatronics. .


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