Cisco suffers hack attack linked to Lapsus$ group


In late May, Cisco was hit by a hacking attack in which network data was stolen. It is an early access corrector that maintains close relationships with various ransomware groups. This includes the hacker group Lapsus $, which previously caused data leaks at major tech companies.Cisco recently announced that it was hit by a cyberattack in which data was stolen in late May. This confession comes after hackers on the dark web released a list of parts of the stolen data.

The attack was carried out by hacking into a personal Google account belonging to a Cisco employee. The employee had enabled Cisco credential sync on Google Chrome for his account, which synced passwords with his Google account.

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Through social hacking and calls on behalf of a 'trusted organization', the hackers were able to accept a multi-factor authentication push notification on your device. This gave the hackers access to the Cisco network via the employee's login details. So they were able to steal the data.

Cisco indicates that hackers were unable to access critical systems, such as for product development or code. The only data stolen was the contents of a Box folder that was linked to the employee's account. According to Cisco, the data contained in it was not sensitive.


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