What is the QR code? What is it for?

Nowadays, many use QR codes, but do they know what it means?

QR Code What do you mean in English? Quick Response), is a two-dimensional barcode that can be easily scanned using most camera-equipped phones.

This code can be converted into text (interactive), an address URI, a phone number, a georeferenced location, an email, an contaCto or an SMS.

What is the QR code for?

This type of code serves to recognize and collect information that is hidden for better security.

Where can this code be used?

It can be used in a number of different ways. It is possible, for example, to put it on a business card, to allow access to various other information, other than those already printed card.


Structure of a QR code, highlighting the functional elements.

It is important to further note that even damaged QR code can be read due to data storage for error correction.

Is this type of code already used in Angola?

With the growth of the technological sector in Angola, we could not ignore the use of technology as popular as this, for example the Banco Millennium atlantico launched the service QR ATLÂNTICO, which can be used to make, receive transfers, as well as payments quickly and securely.

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