Submit your article and be part of the MenosFios community

Did you find interesting news and want to share with the other readers? Want to see an article signed by you on the largest national technology portal? Well then from now on you can send your tips, news or reviews that we will make a point of publishing it as long as they meet the following criteria:

  1. You have to be the author of the content of the article;
  2. The article cannot be copied or translated from another article published on another page;
  3. The subject must be about technologies and / or related to the editorial line of MenosFios.

Easy isn't it? Promote your work, the themes you like, which will be published within 48 hours of submission. Fill in your name, news content, website links, images or videos and an email address for contact.

Do not forget, together we are More Angola, More Technology !!!