Starts the Google I / O developer conference today, what to expect?


Google IO 2014

Today is the day for Google to present its news to developers and beyond. In this event, Google usually presents what it is preparing in terms of Hardware and Software. Much has been said, but here are some topics that Google certainly will not miss.


O operating system adapted for wearable devices should be one of the focus of the conference. After announcing that major companies such as LG, Samsung and Motorola would launch smart watches with Android Wear, there is now an interest in knowing more details about the projects. When will the prices be released?

Android 5.0

Prepare for the Android Lollipop, that is, Android 5.0. As usual, Google will be able to show you the next generation of your operating system. The big changes will be in the design and some features, such asThis is what we talk about in this article..

Health Center

Apple is not the only company interested in investing in the health of users, apparently, Google intends to launch an application that gathers information about the health of the user that will be sent to such wearable devices.

Home automation

Looking at the latest purchases from Google: Nest, a manufacturer of smart thermostats and Dropcam, a company that manufactures products for video surveillance, it is clear that Google wants to give users full control of their homes, keeping them under surveillance 24 hours a day. per day.

Android Silver

The rumors are increasing and making believe that Google wants to end its line of Nexus devices (Smartphones and Tablests), thus giving space to devices with the Android Silver brand. The question remains, which company will take care of the hardware of Google devices: HTC, LG, Asus?

And you, do you think Google has any surprises for today?

[Via]: The Information



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