How to remove the KB2823324 update from Windows 7


computer-errorDuring the past week many system administrators and ordinary users, were caught “with their pants on,” when Microsoft committed but um small error.

This error has a name, a surname and causes terror in users who frequently update their computers: KB2823324 update of Windows 7.

What happened is that this update caused startup errors, that is, we turned on the computer and that’s it, the famous “Blue screen" Or BSOD appeared, reason enough to provoke the panic in the majority of the users.

The reason for the error is debatable, some claim to be incompatibility with some anti-virus, highlighting the Kaspersky and others still claims to be incompatibility with some plugins.

How to solve this problem?

Well, after updating and noticing that the “such” error occurred, we can only solve the problem. And we can follow two different paths:

  • If your computer is unable to boot properly, you must press F8 when starting Windows and Select “Command Prompt”. Then enter the code
wusa / uninstall / kb: KB2823324

Then you can Restart the machine and that's it. The update will be removed.

  • If the first option does not work, follow the same steps and modify the code:
DISM / image: C: / cleanup-image / revertpendingactions

If you have any further questions, please consult your Microsoft official.

[Via]: TamboTech


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