Meet the “AmpMe” app that syncs music across multiple smartphones


O AmpMe is a kind of network among several smartphones with the application installed to play the same songs simultaneously. With this, the sound can be better distributed in different environments.

AmpMe synchronizes music playlist with multiple smartphones Android e iPhones. With that, the sound is propagated throughout the environment using the speakers of several smartphones. According to the company, is that the delay between songs played by different smartphones has to be very small, something around 10 milliseconds.

Ever wondered what it would be like to use all the smartphones of all the friends in your house as a mega-column to give the same music? That's what AmpMe lets you do.

Martin-Luc Archambault, the founder and CEO of AmpMe, says he had the idea of ​​the app when he was at the home of friends who had just moved and still had not taken the stereo from the boxes. He tried to sync more than one smartphone to amplify the music volume, but found that this was not possible, the sync was not good enough to replace an ordinary speaker. From then on, he started creating the AmpMe app and wants to promote it as a way to bring people together through music.

The AmpMe is available for iOS e Android (and it's free) and once installed on their smartphones allows them to synchronize music and videos completely automatically.


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