Consultório MenosFios: 5 teleprompter apps to use on your smartphone


When you need to record content for Stories on Instagram or a video on YouTube, you can always beat the nerves. So, forgetting the lines is normal, but if you use a teleprompter app for your cell phone, everything might be easier. It is possible to read the words through the screen of the device while performing the entire recording, facilitating the production as a whole.

No Lessfios Office today we show you five options to install on your smartphone.

Elegant Teleprompter

The application Elegant Teleprompter brings many customization options when preparing the text. You can define the size and orientation of the sentences, the scrolling speed and even change remote settings for when you are away from your device. The best: all of this in the free version.

On the other hand, there are advertisements appearing with great frequency, which can irritate those who decide not to subscribe to the Pro plan. It costs around 1.300 kwanzas and guarantees more resources. A little information, it is necessary to run the app in the background to use it with the camera, but this may not be a problem for other people.

  • Available for Android only;
  • It's in Portuguese;
  • It works offline.


OnCue Prompter

The only iOS-only mobile teleprompter option on this list. O on cue works similarly to many others, with tools such as font size and style, text speed, and mirroring. Furthermore, it is possible to use the dual-screen image through devices such as a monitor.

Another interesting feature is being able to use an iCade-style control to command text scrolling during recordings. Unfortunately, the average rating in the Apple store is 2.9, not encouraging. That is, only give it a chance if this is your only option.

  • Available for iOS only;
  • There is no option in Portuguese;
  • It doesn't work offline.



With a very simple and direct use, the speechway is for many a great teleprompter alternative for cell phone. The app does not require any kind of registration, just open it and tap the “+” button to create a new script. Then you can position the text on the screen, in addition to controlling the speed at which the words go up.

When finished, the content is exported directly to the smartphone's gallery. There is a Premium version that charges around 1.800 kwanzas per month or 17.700 kwanzas per year. Thus, it offers more customizations, colors, fonts, etc. However, for casual use, there is no need to subscribe to this plan.

  • Available for Android only;
  • There is no option in Portuguese;
  • It works offline.



Primarily, it should be noted that the teletoto it only allows recordings of up to two minutes of video in its free version. This aspect of this teleprompter alternative for cell phones is not very exciting, even more so for those who are going to record for YouTube, for example. If you want to increase this time and remove the watermark from the content, you need to subscribe to the plan, which costs between 1.500 kwanzas per week and 17.500 kwanzas per year.

The app has common settings like text size and speed. However, you might not like having to compose the texts in a Microsoft Word-like file, not forgetting that it works better in smaller boxes.

  • Available for Android and iOS;
  • It's in Portuguese;
  • It works offline.


Teleprompter and Video Subtitles

Easy to use application, this option lets the user record videos with resolutions up to 1080p. Its settings allow speed and positioning adjustments, in addition to offering a green background for those who want to further customize their content.

It is necessary to register via email and password to have full access to the app. The free version leaves a watermark on videos and greatly limits production time. There are prices starting at 1.400 kwanzas, which increases the duration and guarantees other treats.

  • Available to Android e iOS;
  • It's in Portuguese;
  • It doesn't work offline.


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