Consultório MenosFios: How to limit who sees your posts on Facebook?


Although the concept of social networks is to hang out with friends and family, sharing what goes on in your soul, a movie trailer or even a “nonsense” to liven up the group, we don't always want to show certain content to a certain audience. Sharing vacation moments, more intimate moments with just the family, or work dinners with colleagues doesn't have to reach all murals. This freedom of expression is guaranteed on the social network.

The privacy of the posts you publish can, in a simple way, be limited to whoever you want, from the entire network, with people you don't know, when you want to share public messages; to the point of creating publications that are only visible to you, functioning as a kind of personal diary.

Please note that you can change your privacy settings at any time if you change your mind. And that means that even old posts can also be made private or public, depending on what you want to do. And if you want, so you don't have to remember the privacy options for each post, you can configure the account with a default setting.

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1 – Log into your account and look for a post that you have placed on your wall.

2 – Tap the three dots in the upper right corner and choose “Edit privacy”.

3 – Here you can choose who can see the publication in the feed, but also in searches. You can choose Public if you want all users of the Facebook have access to the post, opt for friends, only the user.

4 – In the list there are still the options “Friends, except…” and “Specific friends”.

5 – If you choose Amigos, except…, you will have access to your contact list and respective search engine. All those you select will not see the respective post. The "Specific friends" only appears the post to those who have been selected.

6 – You can also create personalized lists, whether from close friends or simple acquaintances.

In addition to settings for each post, you can simply set general options, which serve as defaults.

7 – To set the default options, enter the Facebook application on your smartphone and tap on the options (three stripes in the upper right corner).

8 – Tap the Settings & Privacy tab to expand the menu and tap Settings.

9 – Scroll down and choose the “Followers and Public Content” option.

10 – Now you'll be able to choose not only who can see, follow you, but also manage who can comment on your posts and the notifications you'll receive from them.


This was today's episode of Consultório MenosFios, where we hope it will be useful for anyone and everyone who wants to limit who sees their posts on Facebook. Now, we ask our readers to comment on it and to contribute with additional information they deem necessary on this same topic.

Any and all questions you would like to see answered here should be posted on the exclusive communication channel dedicated to the Menos Fios office.

We talk about the email created for this purpose: [email protected]. This is the only reception point for the questions you send us. Use it to send us your questions, doubts or problems. Your answer will come out very soon.


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