Consultório MenosFios: Meet the hackers and their “categories”


Within the hacker universe, it is very normal to find specific definitions. In today's episode of Consultório MenosFios we're going to show you some of them and get ready: they don't leave the Deep Web.

Crackers: is the most common denomination spread by the hacker culture, where it is used to differentiate those who follow an ethical posture from others, who invade security systems for criminal purposes. In other forums they are also called “black hat”, literal translation of “black hat” in English.

whitehat: is, as you can deduce, a group of “good” hackers. Always within the limits of the law, they try to find loopholes in security systems and then communicate those responsible. For the most part they work in companies dedicated to this. The oldest and most legendary ones are also called “gurus”.

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Newbie: is the first category of hackers. They are the apprentices, who still don't have all the invasion capabilities to act quickly and efficiently. They usually appear on the forums, asking simple questions in order to find the best answers. Some people also call them “wanabe”, in English something like “want to be”.

Hacktivist: is a combination of the terms “hacker” and “activist”, where they act from a political ideology, always promoting “cyberactivism”. The most famous group of hacktivists in the world is Anonymous.

Lick: this term came from a joke created by more experienced groups to “troll” those who tell incredible stories of “invasions”, “attacks”, among other forms of Phishing, but they just browse the web like anyone else and don't know anything. They are also called “crack hackers”, that is, an “aracker”.


That was our newsroom's analysis of the categories of hackers. Now, we ask our readers to comment on them and to contribute with additional information they deem necessary on this same topic.

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