Consultório MenosFios: Discover the destination of any plane with this app


Surely, when you see a plane in the sky, you've wondered which country you're going to, or even what model it is. The app Plane Above Me uses the microphone of the iPhone to capture the presence of sounds generated by airplanes. And when it detects it, it activates the APIs data and accesses the flight details, showing photographs of that model that is flying over you.

The application is aimed at fans of aeronautics or simply curious people who want to know more about the planes that pass over them. This also shows the current route of the plane, being possible to search the location and the flight number.


The user can scan the sky manually, or let the app automatically detect flights. The developer points out that the data is only collected from flights near the place where you are using the application. And that these are never stored or sent to other locations. The same for the sounds captured from the planes, which only serve to identify the devices.

You can download the application for free to iOS smartphones.


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