Consultório MenosFios: What are the safest social networks?


Over the years, the social networks have become in frequent use by a large part of the people of the world. Many even spend more time on digital platforms than enjoying real life.

Furthermore, it is on social networks that we share some of the most special moments of our lives and even extremely personal data, such as email addresses, cell phone numbers, home addresses and even conversations with our friends and family.

That high exposure might look really cool, but it's also really dangerous. Hackers and malicious people are all the time keeping an eye on these social networks in order to, in any failure or gap, be able to invade and steal some user data.

To avoid situations like this, you need to be very attentive to what you share on your platforms, in addition to being very careful with the type of social network you use.

Therefore, the Lessfios Office and VPN we show you some of the safest platforms.


Despite being involved in several controversies due to its security system, Telegram can be considered the most reliable social network. With a P2P encryption, the platform can offer complete anonymity to anyone who wants it and does not even ask for personal data for someone to sign up for it.

Key security features: Does not require personal data to register, P2P encryption, two-step authentication e secret chats.



In second place is one of the largest platforms in the world. Belonging to Meta, the messenger does not have any central server and all communication is carried out P2P and the data is stored on the users' own devices.

Key security features: P2P encryption e two-factor authentication.



The tool has already been involved in some controversies and has added several features to increase security. Users can maintain complete anonymity, being able to use a secondary email to create their profiles.

Key security features: full VPN support, antispyware e anti Virus, low requirement for users' personal data e extra security on servers.



The video platform only requires users to have a Google account to create an account, which can be an advantage, considering that you still have Google's own security features.

It is worth remembering that if you create content for YouTube, you will have to share some bank details with the platform, making it even more necessary to activate all available security features.

Key security features: continued support for VPN and Anti-Spyware, low level of user data collection, content protected by Google tools, How to Two-Factor Verification with Google Authenticator.



Considered one of the largest social networks in the world, Instagram also belongs to Meta and has encryption in its messages. Users can also use additional security features like two-factor authentication.

Key security features: message encryption, two-factor authentication, VPN support e antivirus.

Social networks can offer various security features, but users need to be aware of how they are going to use them and always avoid sharing their access information with third parties, or even clicking on unknown links that ask for their registration data.


This was today's MenosFios Office, where we ask our readers to comment and contribute with additional information they deem necessary on this same topic.

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