Donald Trump's Facebook and Instagram accounts to be reactivated


Donald Trump, former President of the United States, will be able to have active accounts on social networks again Facebook and Instagram, from the Meta group. This after, last year, Twitter also had 'welcomed back' Trump.

It's been two years since his suspension, following the invasion of the US Capitol. "In the next weeks” Trump will be able to return to these social networks, announced the Meta.

Meta's president for global business, Nick Clegg, said that the public “should be able to hear what the politicians are saying”.

"The suspension was an extraordinary decision made under extraordinary circumstances. The normal state of affairs is for the public to hear a former President of the United States and a declared candidate for that office again on our platforms. Now that the suspension period has passed, the issue is not whether we choose to reinstate Mr. Trump, but whether there are still such extraordinary circumstances that justify extending the suspension beyond the original two-year period’ continued Clegg.

The top official of the Facebook owner said she knows that “any decision” she takes on this issue “will be heavily criticized”, is that “reasonable people will disagree about whether it is the right decision”. But “a decision had to be made, so we tried to make it in the best possible way consistent with our values ​​and the process we established in response to the Fiscal Council's guidance”, he assured.


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