MenosFios Office. Three things you should know about online shopping security


The Internet has become one of the preferred options for shopping and, as a result, in the last two months, between Black Friday, Cyber ​​Monday and Christmas, e-commerce reached one of its annual peaks.

The growing adoption of electronic commerce is associated with flexibility, accessibility and speed, but also with a great concern in terms of security. In the last five years, investment in fraud prevention and cybersecurity has exceeded US$9.000 billion, according to a Visa source.

But in addition to these numbers, it is important to clarify the procedures that guarantee the security of each purchase made online. At the Lessfios Office Today we're going to talk about that.

1. Artificial Intelligence, a great ally

Investing in the most advanced technology as a key resource to ensure the protection of any movement with credit or debit cards, specifically, through anti-fraud detection systems, prevents the occurrence of fraudulent actions. Using Artificial Intelligence tools, payments that may appear suspicious are tracked in real time and action is taken on them.

2. Tokens: pay safely and easily

Tokenization encodes (through encryption) the user's personal information and protects them when they make online purchases. One of the main advantages of tokenization, according to Visa, is that, for example, if you have a card associated with your payment for subscription services like Netflix ou Spotify, when your card expires and you receive a new one, or if you lose it and the bank issues you another, this token is automatically renewed and updated on all platforms where you had a card associated with your payment. In other words, you won't have to think or remember which platforms you entered your card details on to update them.

3. Fingerprints or facial recognition, authentic security codes

What is biometrics? It is very likely that a large part of the population does not know the answer to this question. Identifying the user instantly, paying with their cell phone without having to enter a security code, using only the fingerprint or face detection, this is what biometrics is all about, a set of systems that work as a common thread to facilitate purchases without renouncing security filters.

Biometrics became an indispensable tool after the PSD2 Strong Customer Authentication directive, also known as SCA, came into force. The addition of several layers of security and card user recognition has made online shopping increasingly easier and safer.

In each of your online transactions there are a series of mechanisms that allow you to make your purchases, not only easily and quickly, but also in complete security.


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