Tips to make your gadget last longer



As has already been advanced somewhat in an earlier article on the electronic waste, we are more and more consumeristic and consequently more careless when it comes to our electronics. It's because? Because if it spoils or presents any other anomaly, we buy another one to replace. And this ideology is for mobile phones, tablets and / or computers.

Have you thought about changing it or at least trying to readjust it? Well, if we go to see, everything wrong that happens with electronic data is the fault of the owner or who was handling it.

One of the major complaints of users of a given device is the level of charge. Understand, even if a cell phone with double, triple or even quadruple of the load that we are accustomed to consume, we would find insufficient; this is because we do not follow basic rules with for example: turning 3G off when its use is unnecessary, reduce screen brightness, close applications that are not being used or even drop the phone and interact with other people.

Apart from the battery, we can and should be careful about other aspects:

· Prevent the electronics from being or remaining in dusty places, as dirt may accumulate and create crusts;

· Keep it away from very cold or very hot places, the temperature influences the operation of the battery and when exposed to temperatures below 15 C and above 30 C C can cause permanent damage.

· Use caution when joining with other objects when practicing sports because sweat oxidizes electronic components and when they are in the bathroom.

Their deterioration is inevitable, so why not slow it down?


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