Disruption Lab is the bet of Banco Atlântico on innovation in Angola

Creating disruption involves bet on talent, this was the focus during the presentation of the Disruption Lab, the initiative of Banco Millennium Atlântico that intends to promote technological transformation.
The disruption lab - Disruption Lab, intends to bring Innovation, Acceleration, Mentorship and promote technological events.
“… A laboratory whose main objective is the promotion of an ecosystem to foster entrepreneurship and digital innovation in Angola, through the incubation and acceleration of ideas with the potential to create value, adding skills originating from Startechs, Universities and financial institutions, national and international standards. ”

The presentation of the laboratory happened on 31 in May, on the island of Luanda, with a really creative scenario.

  • At the entrance, a fair was set up, with projects by Autonação, Kandengues Scientists and DroneSIG Angola.
  • To start the event, the President of the Executive Board of Banco Millennium Atlântico, Daniel Santos, spoke about the great goal of the Atlantic: to be the leading bank in digital transformation.
  • Then, Vanda Oliveira, from Bantumakers talked about disruption, giving examples of big names and projects considered disruptive.
  • There followed a roundtable with representatives of several reputed consulting firms in Angola and a government representative. The conversation focused on innovation, advantages for Angola and Disruption Lab to improve the digital entrepreneurship ecosystem.
There was time for the presentation of Augusto Baptista, vice-president of the executive committee of Banco Millennium Atlântico, Disruption Lab - Powered by Atlantic, who shared some more details about the project, which is open to any startup that needs a co-working space.
Ideas that Transform - Slogan of Disruption Lab
30 market, digital version
To close the evening, Augusto Firmino presented the first project of the Disruption Lab: The 3.0 Marketplace
The e-commerce application gathers products from different vendors in just one application, enhancing the consumer experience. Coming soon to the full review of this app, stay tuned.


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