Public DNS: what it is, why use it and what are the best free servers


the servers DNSDomain Name System or Domain Name System, are responsible for locating and translating the addresses of websites that we type into browsers into IP numbers. For example, it is the DNS services that translate the IP in

By default, we use the DNS service offered by the access provider or the company responsible for keeping our connection up and running, but it is possible to opt for services that offer more performance and/or security, such as OpenDNS and Google Public DNS – services that we will also mention in a moment.

In addition to being able to make browsing faster, many DNS servers offer detection of fake or malware-infected sites and even a parental protection system to block sites with adult content.

Another key point here is that DNS can “make your connection faster or slower” on both your computer and mobile phone. Changing the DNS server is usually a recommendation for anyone who wants to speed up page loading, downloads and even online games. The DNS carries out a series of optimizations to reduce the route between the computer and the output with the IP number as much as possible.

However, let it be clear: using another DNS will not change the internet plan you contracted and the megs you receive. But the round trip request that this domain translation requires will be faster, it makes the sites appear on your screen “faster”. Thus, you will have the impression that your internet is working better.

Therefore, we are going to list here some of the most popular DNS, with some of the best for general use.

  • Cloudflare developed to be the "World's Fastest DNS Service". It also promises high level of security and privacy. Additionally, there is a app for Android and iOS that makes setup easy on mobile devices.– Primary DNS:

    – Secondary DNS:

  • Google DNS service is quite popular and free. According to the company, it focuses on the speed, safety and validity of the results.– Primary DNS:

    – Secondary DNS:

  • OpenDNS is owned by Cisco and it has two free options: Family Shield and Home. The first is interesting for parental control, that is, to be sure that children do not have access to inappropriate content. Home focuses on internet security and performance, and you can create a user account to configure custom settings.– Primary DNS OpenDNS Home:

    – Secondary DNS OpenDNS Home:

    – OpenDNS FamilyShield Primary DNS:

    – Secondary DNS OpenDNS FamilyShield:

  • Level 3 is the company that takes care of the Google Public DNS infrastructure, but it has its own service.– Primary main server:

    – Secondary primary server:

  • Quad9 does not filter content, but it does work against domains that are phishing or contain malware.– Primary DNS:

    – Secondary DNS:

How to change DNS?

Windows allows you to change the DNS in the network adapter settings. On Mac, the adjustment is made in the system's network preferences.

For those who are going to make this change on an iOS smartphone (iPhone), just disable automatic DNS and enter the data manually. Already on Android, the information can be accessed and changed in the advanced modifications of the Wi-Fi connection.


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