EMIS blames “asymmetric” geographic distribution for long ATM queues


A Interbank Services Company (EMIS) reported that the fact that the multicaixa network has a “very asymmetrical geographical distribution, which disadvantages populations on the outskirts” is one of the reasons for long queues to access the service, which has been seen in recent times in the country's capital , Luanda.

According to the operator, in its survey for this period (October), EMIS highlights that the asymmetry in the geographic distribution of the ATM (multicaixa) network is a consequence of the fact that it developed attached to the bank branch network.

BUT: Add new cards to Multicaixa Express without going to the ATM 

Therefore, EMIS data indicates that the percentage of ATM offpermises (outside branches) has been growing, but represents only 15% of the total number of machines installed.

"As long as the development of the ATM network is dependent on the expansion of branches, the asymmetry will continue to persist, because the development of branches is naturally slow and depends on the attractiveness of the banking business, in each municipality or even region.”, assesses the EMIS report.

From a broader perspective, the municipality of Luanda has the largest number of ATMs with one thousand and six tellers, followed by Belas with 494, Viana with 282, Cazenga with 114, Icolo and Bengo with 15 and Quiçama with just three. according to EMIS data.


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